
My name is Michał Sykutera. I’m a metaphysician from Poland. Welcome to my journal, where I share my reflections, thoughts, and ideas on the greatest metaphysical problems—and more. I’m particularly influenced by thought of Baruch Spinoza and Albert Einstein. My current stance is pantheism combined with substance monism.

The way I see it is that the Universe is a mystery, and each of us is confronted with it—whether we ignore it or not. Some find this situation intolerable, but not me. I take a glass-half-full approach: for me, trying to understand the Universe’s origins and how it fits into a broader context is the greatest intellectual adventure there is.

You can reach me by commenting under any post or by emailing me at michal@metareality.blog. All photos published here are my own unless otherwise indicated.

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On the Metaphysician’s Journal, I share my reflections, thoughts, and ideas on the greatest metaphysical problems—and more.